Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Is A Shih Tzu Dog The Right Breed For You?

The Oriental Toy Dog

Yet another common sight on our sunny island Singapore, Shih Tzu Dogs have left an impression in many minds. Ask anyone if they’ve heard of a Shih Tzu and they’d say yes. Ask further and they’d probably tell you they’re fun-loving and adorable (like all Dogs are! ☺) Well, they’re actually much more interesting than just that for sure, and we’re about to unveil some quirky information about them, so read on!

Shih Tzu Dog Breed Origins

Arguably one of the smaller Dog breeds in the World, the origins of a Shih Tzu is actually shrouded in mystery. Through DNA testing, the Shih Tzu can be considered one of the Ancient Dog breeds, just like the Maltese, and that did not stop there, we’ve came across a number of theories that sound like very intriguing mythology.

Shih Tzu Dog Behaviour
Such as how Shih Tzus were bred by Tibetan Lamas (Monks, not the animal) to resemble a tiny Lion, where they served as companions and also watch-dogs. Not only that, Shih Tzu Dogs were also thought to carry souls of Lamas that have not attained enlightenment. Another theory stated that Shih Tzu Dogs were often presented to Chinese Royalties and Rulers in the past, as they were highly regarded as priceless possessions. So much that no trade or sale of these Dogs were permitted for many years.
Imperial Shih Tzu Dog
The first Shih Tzus were introduced to Europe in 1930’s and registered by The Kennel Club in United Kingdom under the Apsos Dog breed (a similar looking Dog). Only after standards were written by a Shih Tzu Club in 1935 did their category change, rightfully under the name Shih Tzu. US Military brought back the breed after the World War II during 1950s, and in 1969, the AKC (American Kennel Club) recognised the breed in the Toy Dog Group. Now, the Shih Tzu is a recognised Dog breed in most major Dog registries worldwide.

Fun Fact #1 – The description of standards by the Beijing Kennel club about the Shih Tzu was closely oriental and mythical. The head of a Lion, Eyes of a Dragon, teeth like grains of rice, face round like an owl, Ears of Palm leaves and the tail of a Phoenix. (that sounds just like a beautiful Oriental creature indeed!)

What Does A Shih Tzu Look Like?

A Shih Tzu myth we absolutely love was how one was the companion of a Buddha, and one day when the Buddha was confronted by robbers, the said Shih Tzu fended them off by turning into a Lion (how cool is that?!), and promptly reverted into a springy Shih Tzu after. This is also how they’re described to be Chinese Stone-Lion Guards (like those in front of a temple )
Fu Lion Stone Guard
No a Shih Tzu does not look like a full-fledged Lion, however, they are a sturdy-bodied small size Dog with a short muzzle, accompanied with large, wide-set dark eyes and noses. Shih Tzus have double coats; woolly undercoats and a silky straight top coat. One distinctive feature of a Shih Tzu is their under-bite (lower jaw is slightly wider than the upper jaw). Shih Tsus are commonly White in colour with brown dark patches with occasional strands of grey hairs, though a myriad of other shades are much rarer. They were also fondly named "Chrysanthemum Dog", in close reference to how the fur on their faces sprawl out like petals of the flower.

Long Coat Shih Tzu
Long Coat Shih Tzu
In Singapore we’d normally spot short-coat Shih Tzus, which are generally much easier to maintain, but in the Doggy show ring, Long-coat Shih Tzus are pretty mandatory (another pointer similar to the Maltese!). Here, most owners prefer a short-do, also known as a Puppy-cut, or Teddy. Regardless of which, Shih Tzus all have a lush long tail full of fur.

Fun Fact #2 – There is no breed type named Tea-cup or Imperial Shih Tzu, don’t buy into fancy terms. Those terms may be used to describe sizes only

Grooming Needs For A Shih Tzu

If you have a Shih Tzu kept with a long coat, daily or very regular deep brushing (to reach their undercoats) is required to maintain its pristine, silky coat. The same is required for short coats, at least once in two weeks, to rid any tangles and prevent matting.

Shih Tzu Dog Singapore Pets
Now that's a groomed Pooch!
Don’t forget to clean out their ears and eyes with cotton balls and Vet-approved cleanser to remove any wax or dirt build-up. Also, keep a close eye Dental hygiene (brushing every once a week) and trimming or nails whenever necessary.

Shih Tzu Personality

You can expect an affectionate, loyal and sociable furry companion in a Shih Tzu. They are also adaptable to different sizes of living space (don’t restrain them to an unreasonably small space please!!). Because they are so friendly, they can get along with any other house Pet(s) and children alike. Do watch out for them around toddlers as a Shih Tzu’s size may be prone to accidental injury. Shih Tzus are also notoriously known to be difficult to house trained, so be prepared with a lot of patience and effort when it comes to training them, including other behavioural issues like excessive barking. Training should preferably start from a young age (treats help along the way!)

Shih Tzu Dog Pet Singapore
Alertness of a Shih Tzu makes them a viable guard Dog, but only for a brief period, just enough to alert you when someone is near. Fun-loving and friendliness overtakes very quickly, as much as they love human companionship As small Dogs that do not require a ton of exercise, a walk, stroll or quick play-time outdoors is sufficient to keep your Shih Tzu well “worked out”. Coupled with a good diet and loads of love, an average lifespan of a Shih Tzu is 10 years or more!

Adopt, Don’t Shop

Standard breeds are great, but we could say the same for all other crossbreeds and even mongrels. Before you head off to purchase a Pet, always keep an eye out for adoption drives or check out local shelters for more options, you could always count on finding your next loyal companion and providing a forever home for a rescued furry pal.

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