Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Shiba Inu Breed: Vocal, Cat-like, Hunting Dogs From Japan!

The Shiba Inu Breed: Vocal, Cat-like, Hunting Dogs From Japan!

Definitely one of our favourite Dog breeds til date, and a internet-meme sensation for the younger generations. The rising trend and love for Shibas becomes obvious from sightings at Pet events locally too! As sprightly and bright-spirited Shiba Inus are, they might not be suitable for every individual— learn why as we uncover origins, history and personality match☺

Fun Fact #1     Shiba Inus are known to be one of the most vocal Dog breeds when not trained or entertained properly, comparable to that of Siberian Huskies!

Shiba Inu Dog Breed

As stated by our post header, Shiba Inu Dogs hail from none other than the land of the rising Sun, Japan. The word Inu translates to mean "Dog" in Japanese. And for Shiba, there are a few speculations to how it came about. One of which is how it means “Brushwood” in Japanese, referring to the colour of shrubs during Fall. Another meaning closely relates to how Shiba translates to “Small” in the olden Nagano Dialect— a plausible thought, as Shiba Inus are the smallest amongst Japanese Spitz type Dog breeds.
Shiba Inu behaviour
Like many Dog breeds, Shiba Inus were originally bred for hunting purposes. They excelled in hunting small preys such as Rabbits and Birds. During WWII, the Shiba Inu Dog breed were on the verge of extinction, due to famine and wide spread of the distemper disease amongst Dogs. Shiba Inus we see today are descendants from 3 sources— Shinshu Shiba, Mino Shiba, and San’in Shiba from 3 different Japanese prefectures.
Shiba Inu personality
First standards for Shiba Inus were set by the Nippo (Association For the Preservation of Japanese Dogs) in 1934. Through their efforts, they are also a large cause for the Shiba Inu breed to be regarded as a national monument of Japan in 1936. During 1954, the first Shiba Inu was introduced to America. However, the first litter was only conceived in 1979. The Shiba Inu was recognised as a breed by AKC (American Kennel Club) in 1992.

Appearance Of A Shiba Inu

Size — A Shiba Inu is most recognizable for its Fox-like appearance, with a compact and muscular body frame. Males grow to a height of 35 to 43 cm, and Females from 33 to 40 cm. The average weight of a Shiba Inu is 10 kgs.

Coat — Shibas have short coats throughout. The inner-coat is soft and dense, accompanied by a straight and stiff outer-coat.
Shiba Inu Dog Colours
Colour — Distinctive coat markings are known as Urajiro (white underside) in Japanese. Shibas possess this on the sides of muzzles, inner ears, belly, cheeks, chest, and even near their vents. Commonly colour variations are shades of Red, Black and Tan, Sesame (red with black tipped hair), and Cream.

Form — Tail is curled forward over their backs in an evenly, opened-brush manner. Thick pointed triangular ears sit on top a Fox-like face. Eyes are slightly almond-shaped and bright. 

Fun Fact #2     An all-white (Cream) Shiba Inu is not an acceptable shade for show, according to AKC, because a Japanese Shiba Inu standard includes having the distinctive “Urajiro” markings!

Grooming A Shiba Inu

Although they are playful and active, fastidious is what best describes a Shiba's self grooming habits. Because their hair and fur barely grows in length, their short coats are recommended to have no trimming nor shaving done— the coat is also a form of natural weather proofing in different climates. The only factor you should take note of is shedding period. Rid loose hairs and tangles by brushing and combing regularly. If need be, draw up a warm bath and thorough blow dry to speed-up the shedding process.
How to groom a Shiba inu
Swab out dirt build-up in ears and eyes with a Vet-approved cleanser and cotton balls. If you hear their nails begin to clack on the ground, its time for a trim! If you are unsure how to perform these tasks, approach a trusted Groomer and Veterinarian for professional services.

Personality Of A Shiba Inu

Proud, independent, fastidious and possibly dramatic Dog breed. Shibas are also often described as Cat-like due to their independent nature. A fun-loving individual will have no qualms welcoming a Shiba Inu into their homes. Get ready to be thoroughly entertained by their theatrical antics— fondly nicknamed Shiba Scream. This entails a child-like cry during moments of extreme joy (as a greeting when you’re home), and also if you happen to do something they don’t fancy (i.e. taking a bath
Shiba Inu Dog breed
Socialization skills is preferably developed at an early age, behavioural experts explained how Shiba Inus may not get along with other Dogs or small children. Because of their high intelligence and loyalty, they are able to respond very well through training, even as puppies. Also highly adaptable to all weathers, Shibas fit into any lifestyle with the right amount of attention and love. A neglected Shiba may well display destructive behaviour.

Fun Fact #3      A Shiba Inu that has absolute proper care can live an average of 12 to 15 years, but did you know, that the record for 26 years belongs to a Shiba Inu named Pusuke! Pusuke lived in Japan with his owners. The longevity secret? — Regular daily walks, and lots of exercise!

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