Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Water Fountains For Pets: Benefits, Uses, And Where To Buy Them!

The multiple benefits of drinking fountains for Pets

Is a drinking fountain really necessary for our Pets? Truth be told, this plausible commodity may have been deemed as an indulgence back then, but we've all noticed the advancement in products and healthcare over the years— Pets are more than just companions today, they're family.
Buy Pet water fountain in Singapore

Should I get a water fountain for my Pet?

Studies and research have proven that a water fountain for your Pet(s) has more uses to it than just convenience or decorative purposes.

Benefits Of A Drinking Fountain

Proper Hydration — A water fountain can serve a few purposes for our Cats and Dogs. Mainly because most of our Pets have a common diet of dry kibble and the occasional feedings of canned food. Naturally, dry kibble contains a very low percentage of water as compared to canned food, but like us, Pets need an appropriate intake of water! 

Fun Fact #1      The lack of an appropriate amount of water in their systems could result in dehydration and other health issues.

Hygiene — Have you noticed how much Pet hair retains in and on the water surface of drinking bowls? Not forgetting the backwash of saliva and food bits after every meal! A constant flow of fresh, clean water prevents our Pets from ingesting hair, dust, and bacteria— this is made possible with cycling of water through filters in Water fountains☺.

CatsDaily water intake for Cats are usually garnered from food or prey in the wild. You might have also noticed how not all Cats are cooperative with water. Basically, our feline companions have a low-thirst drive for H2O. The theory is this: Stale, non-moving water in a bowl is just not enticing for many Kitties. 
water fountains for Cats
via Pinterest
This theory might also explain why our Cats love sitting beside sink tops to watch you wash something, and taking a swat at flowing water. Other behaviours include dipping their paws into water bowls right before they lick them!

Dogs — Our Canine buddies might not possess the issue of a low-thirst drive. Water is essential as a form of daily hydration and cooling down of their overall body temperatures. Doggos instinctively gulp down copious amounts of water especially during a hot day or playtime. 
Water fountains for Dogs
 via Labrador_s2 on Instagram

Fun Fact #2      As it turns out, Birds are also a fan of these water fountains! Let your tamed feathered friends in on a bath and watch how they scuttle, flap and play with moving water. 
via NWKnews

Where To Buy Pet Water Fountains

Once again for your convenience we have dug out the available Cat and Dog Water Fountains within the marketplace— Shopee, Qoo10, Carousell, Lazada, including local favourites such as online Pet Stores!

Qoo10 Listings

Shopee Listings

Carousell Listings

1. Diamante RosesPet Drinking Fountain

2. CandytlsNEW Water Fountain bowl

3. PetFolioYogi Water bowl 2

Local Pet Shops Online

NekoJam — For Dogs  ,  For Cats 

Portable Pet Fountain

Then you might want to give the Torus Water bowls a go! No electricity needed, automatic refills, built in filter and a lock system that prevents leak when you are on the go. Grab yours at these places:

NekoJam — Torus Water Bowl

Keeping A Pet Water Fountain Clean

Yes most of these automated Pet water fountains come with a built in filter to help rid those stray fur, hair, or even food bits, keeping the water fresh and clean. How many times have you looked at a water-cooler and stared at the algae-filled filter by the side dubiously *Gasp*— We honestly lost count. So, don’t forget to replace the filter and clean out the system (with warm water and soap) once or twice every week!

Note      Some of these water fountains have special instructions and cleaning agents that you can purchase under the same series, simply follow the manual that comes with!

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Pet fountain Singapore
via Wat.Ki on Instagram
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This article was written with informational purposes, as you know, we’d love to share our collective research and experiences as fellow Pet owners and lovers. It is not meant to alternate in any way as advice or diagnosis of Professionals.

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