Saturday, March 4, 2017

Homemade Guinea Pig Treats

Homemade Guinea Pig Treats

It seems almost unlikely that small animals can have homemade treats, but their owners will beg to differ! Dogs and Cats aren’t the only ones that deserve a homemade treat, even our fellow Cavies would enjoy some of that love too. With that said, here’s a simple recipe we’ve found on EpicuriCloud.

Oh, let’s not forget to mention that this recipe is also Rabbit-friendly!
Every Guinea Pig or Rabbit owner is aware of how their teeth can very quickly get out of control. That is because their teeth never stops growing! It is essential to provide them with chew toys and quality hay, as we’ve mentioned before, the more they chew, the better. This recipe is perfect for killing two birds with one stone, not only do they get a scrumptious snack, you’re keeping their teeth in check.

Gnaw-Gnaw Biscuits : Teeth Tamers


1 cup kibble (guinea pig or rabbit)
3/4 cup water
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
3/4 cup finely shredded carrot
1 cup small pieces of Timothy hay (*author used the fine bits from bottom of box)


1.       Preheat oven to 300 degrees.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2.       Mix together the kibble and water to hydrate them.  Stir in the other ingredients.
3.       Spread mixture onto prepared baking sheet and pat until about 1/4 inch thick.
4.       Bake for 15 minutes.  Remove from oven and use a pizza wheel to cut into squares (don't separate at this point.)
5.       Continue baking for another 15 minutes.
6.       Remove from oven and cut on the same scored lines, use a small spatula to turn the squares over and separate them on the baking sheet.
7.       Bake for 15 minute more or until dried to the desired consistency.  Store in an airtight container.

Best part about this is you can store your treats up for another time! Now let’s get baking for the Cavies and Bunnies J

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