Friday, July 28, 2017

Flea Treatment And Prevention: Useful Home Remedies For Pet Owners!

Flea Treatment And Prevention: Useful Home Remedies For Pet Owners!

Our furry companions are usually safe and sound with proper care and prevention measures on our part, and at times, certain Dogs and Cats are just more prone to Flea bites and skin problems. This condition is also known as Flea Allergy Dermatitis, and its a topic that is commonly discussed only when the dire situation arises, but wouldn’t it be great to have a few tricks up your sleeves before it strikes? Here we have compiled some easy quick fixes you can conduct at home in case of a Flea infestation, including prevention!

Signs And Symptoms

One of the clearest signs is when you spot the fleas crawling around your Furkids’ coats or skin, during a grooming session or plain observation. Otherwise, you’ll be sure to spot your Pets all restless and constantly scratching at affected areas— this includes scabbing or loss of hair. Owners are strongly advised to tend to them immediately.


Home Remedies For Flea Treatment

1. Treatment Baths

(a) Anti-Flea Shampoo — Pet-friendly Anti-flea shampoos are great as the first step to getting rid of fleas. Draw up a cold bath, as cold water helps to soothe swells and itchiness while hot water may aggravate the sensitive skin and cause inflammation. Wash thoroughly from Pet’s head and proceed with body.
flea bites on pets
Bath time!
(b) Baking Soda — Mix Baking Soda with water to form a thin paste, and apply it to affected areas on your Dog or Cat. Baking Soda will relief itchiness, prevent inflammation and lower the risk of infection. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes, then rinse off with cool water. Additionally, you may add Baking soda to the Dog or Cat’s bath. Do not apply on broken skin or open wounds.

2. Homemade Treatment Sprays

treating flea bites for pets

(a) Apple Cider Vinegar — Purchase raw and unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar. It has ingredients to curb itchiness and swelling plus prevent infections. Mix half and half of Apple Cider Vinegar and water in a spray bottle, and spray it onto affected areas. Avoid spraying it onto your Furkids’ eyes! Use this method two to three times daily. You may also spray this handy mixture on the possibly infested areas like their beds and resting spots!
treatment for flea bites on pets

(b) Tea Tree Oil — This has similar qualities to Apple Cider Vinegar, aiding in itch relief and anti-inflammation properties. Mix a few drops of Tea Tree Oil with water in a spray bottle, and spray onto affected areas. This should prevent your Furkid from scratching, holds up to 8 hours or more.
getting rid of fleas on pets

(c) Witch Hazel — A powerful and effective astringent that quickly relieves itch and swelling with anti-inflammatory purposes. Store Witch Hazel solution in a spray bottle and spray it onto affected areas when you spot your furry companion scratching away!

3. Natural Lotion

flea bites on pets
A form of natural lotion you can opt to try out is Aloe Vera Gel. Which you can readily purchase at any supermarkets now, and we’re talking about the entire succulent leaf portion! Cut open the Aloe Vera and extract a portion of gel from the flesh. Apply as needed to affected areas to soothe itch and redness. Store remains in the refrigerator!

4. Combing

Flea comb
A Flea comb comes in extra handy for prevention and getting rid of those pesky fleas, get one at Pet stores or consult your trusted Groomer for a good and effective recommendation. A flea comb has closely positioned metal bristles to enable removal of any fleas lodged in between hair and fur, plus it is excellent for getting rid of loose hair during shedding times! It also serves as a great prevention tool, keep your eyes peeled for any fleas that came off, along with those fur clusters after combing!  

Seek Professional Help

treatment and prevention for flea bites
To be absolutely certain, make a trip to the Veterinary Clinic, especially if the condition still persists. It would be most helpful to obtain a prescription of topical cream or ointment as approved by the Vet for continual treatment of your Pet’s Flea bites. This also helps determine how severe the condition is!

Flea Prevention

Dogs and Cats that suffer from a Flea attack are often more prone to Flea allergies after, hence it is very important to maintain a clean environment as a form of prevention. This includes frequent bathing with Anti-flea shampoos and regular treatment with sprays to prevent future possibilities of another attack. In case you were wondering, the above home remedies are safe for Humans too! And if the conditions persists, visit a Doctor for medical assistance
treatment for flea bites
Keeping your home environment clean and protected is also another way or prevention, regular cleaning of areas your Dogs or Cats may have contact with, including their beds, play area, toys, sofas and carpets. Other forms of prevention can be purchased at a Pet Store or Veterinary Clinic, such as FrontLine (our go-to product). Do consult your trusted Vet for a clear diagnosis and recommendation. Let’s keep our homes safe and Pets clear of Fleas!

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treatment for flea bites
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