Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Cat That Brings Fortune

The Cat That Brings Fortune

The Fortune Cat needs no introduction, even with its various names, Lucky Cat, Beckoning Cat, Money Cat, and even Happy Cat. Did you know its original name is actually “Maneki Neko”? The names are pretty much self-explanatory, but just when and how did this tradition or novelty begin leaving paw-prints all over the world?

Many fortune cats at temple
There are a few stories and folklore of this peculiar ornament that hails from Japan, and it is not uncommon to spot one in a store front, even in homes. Yes, even in Singapore, this trend and tradition has been around for more than centuries, and they are getting cuter, fatter, and looking much more sophisticated. Don't be surprised to see a FAMILY of fortune cats at one's home or store! 
One of our favourite folklore would have to be of the Tama, the temple cat. 
(Who doesn’t love a heart-warming magical story of humans and pets!)

Tama The Temple Cat

A very poor monk resided in this small temple with his pet cat named Tama. This tiny temple sits where the current Gotokuji Temple is. A Noble-born man (pretty high ranked back in the days) was on his way home when it started to pour heavily, he proceeded to take refuge under a tree. As he glanced around, he caught sight of a cat sitting by the entrance of the temple, “waving” his paw to him, as though beckoning him to come closer.

Book of Maneki Neko tales
Amused, he ran towards the temple, and in seconds after, lightning struck the very tree he was seeking shelter under. Believing that the cat had saved his life, he aided in the flourishing of the temple. After the passing of the cat, people made sculptures as a form of honouring the Lucky Cat.

Today, the Fortune Cat takes form in a myriad of colours, sizes, and even things they carry on their paws. Here is a brief breakdown on the colours and its uses:

Multi/Spotted/Patches – Believed to be the luckiest
White – Joy & Optimism
Gold –  Rich & Prosperous
Black – Warding off Evil
Red – Relationships

Has this made you view Calico (spotted) cats in a whole new way yet?   

Now, Cats are notorious for being stubborn and it might seem near impossible to train a cat to do tricks, but we can only wonder how effective and amazing it would be to own a live Fortune Cat!

Grey Cat Waving paw
Nevertheless, pets already bring us much joy in our lives, with all their individual funny antics. So how about settling for an ornamental Fortune Cat? ;) 
Here’s wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year, may this year be filled with prosperity, health and happiness for all! 

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